Content Solutions by Sarah Ray


Personal Musings & Adventures

Blank Canvas

Sarah | RVA Dabbler

Well hey. I’m Sarah, the dabbler in question here. (Yup, that's me in the shameless selfie.) What’s a dabbler? Well, this isn’t a thrifter’s blog. This isn’t an antiquer’s blog, or a crafter’s blog. It’s all of the above and more. I’m a dabbler.

I dabble in collecting cool things and decorating my tiny post-grad apartment with them. I dabble in refinishing furniture pieces and sometimes, with the help of my grandmother I dabble in sewing. I can waste hours scanning DIY and home decor Pinterest boards and love the opportunity for a project. I’ve often thought it’d be nice to journal my projects or ambitions in a way and what’s more 21st century then blogging for the world to see?

I welcome follows, comments and suggestions and look forward to connecting with like minded, creative individuals. Because there’s nothing quite getting covered in paint or placing a new thrift find on the bookshelf.

Follow your passions. Satisfy your curiosities. In other words, Dabble on y’all.